08 8278 8838


Blackwood Osteopathy will provide a safe and supportive environment for the children and young people that attend our clinic. Blackwood Osteopathy recognizes that caring for children and young people brings additional responsibilities for practitioners and employees of this organization.

This Policy will guide all practitioners, staff and those who use the services of Blackwood osteopathy with the expected behavior and appropriate actions if any issues arise that pertains to the safety of children and young people.

Blackwood Osteopathy is to ensure all practitioners, staff and clients are aware of their responsibility in promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.



At Blackwood Osteopathy, the safety and protection of children and young people is of paramount importance and we strive to and are committed to ensuring that children and young people are valued, respected and encouraged to participate in their care where practical & in their broader community.

Blackwood Osteopathy is committed to upholding diversity and equity and will ensure all children and young people are valued and respected, regardless of their age, ethnicity, gender, gender identify, sexual orientation, social class, physical abilities, social economic or cultural background.

Blackwood Osteopathy will not tolerate bullying or harassment.

Blackwood Osteopathy’s policy complies with the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 and the National Principles for Child Safe Organizations.



Blackwood Osteopathy’s policy applies to all who are involved with our organization who either provide or receive our services, including directors, employees, volunteers, contractors, students undertaking work experience, practitioners who hire rooms,collectively referred to as workers as well as  children, young people and families.

Blackwood Osteopathy requires all workers involved in our organisation to read and provide their written acknowledgement and acceptance of this policy, as well as their agreement to act in accordance with this policy.

Blackwood Osteopathy requires all third parties (such as contractors and practitioners who hire rooms) to accept and act on the policy as a condition of any contract or agreement.



Blackwood Osteopathy will inform any children, young persons and their families about their rights via displaying information in the reception area (Appendix 3) and providing a link to our policies on the website. Workers will be educated about the rights of children and young people and how they can support them in the practice.

Blackwood Osteopathy workers will be provided the opportunity to familiarize themselves with this policy.  We will ensure safety and confidentially when acknowledging, asking for and listening to feedback from children & young people as well as acting quickly when an issue is brought to our attention. We will strive to use age and developmentally appropriate language in all interactions.

Children and parents who attend out clinic will be able to provide feedback or make a complain via the ‘contact’ page on the Blackwood Osteopathy website. Any feedback or complaint will be taken seriously and acted upon accordingly and in a timely manner.



Blackwood Osteopathy’s code of conduct applies to all workers, children, young people and families).

Access to this code will be provided at staff induction, on our website, and in hard copy kept in reception and in all treatment rooms.

A breach of the code can be reported in writing, via phone, to any worker, or to the child safety officer directly, who will record, manage and start the breach process as outlined below.

All staff at Blackwood Osteopathy will:

  • Understand, accept in writing and adhere to the Code of Conduct.
  • See Appendix 1.

In any instance of breach of this policy or the code of conduct, please contact the child safety officer on 08 8278 8838 or email at balckwoodosteopathy@gmail.com.



Blackwood Osteopathy is committed to child safety and will ensure only the most suitable people are engaged to work with children and young people by having face to face interviews and reviewing references.

Throughout the recruitment and interviewing process, high priority on child safeguarding, mandatory reporting, cultural safety, record keeping, supervision and information sharing and this will be the continued focus at induction and continuing professional development during their tenure.

Blackwood Osteopathy require mandated notifiers at our clinic (all practitioners and osteopaths that assess, treat and manage children) to attend a ‘Safe Environment: Through Their Eyes’ training course every 3 years or Responding to Risk of Harm – Education and Care training every 3 years.

Blackwood Osteopathy requires all staff to have a current “Not prohibited” Working with Children Check (WWCC) issued by the DHS Screening unit. We are registered with the DHS Screening Unit and will link all WWCCs.

Blackwood Osteopathy will verify the accuracy of the Working with Children Checks before employing new staff to work with children and young people. For existing staff, the renewal of their Working with Children Check every 5 years will be monitored and recorded, to ensure their status remains ‘not prohibited’. Verification will be done online through the Organization Portal via the DHS Screening Unit.

Blackwood Osteopathy will advise the Screening Unit if and when we become aware of any information regarding any person involved with Blackwood Osteopathy, whose status changes in relation to any serious criminal offences, any issues pertaining to child protection, or any disciplinary or misconduct action.



At Blackwood Osteopathy, we have strategies in place to supervise, train and support workers to understand their obligations around the child safe policy, their mandatory reporting obligations, how to build culturally safe environments and their responsibilities to create a child safe and friendly environment.

At Blackwood Osteopathy, the induction process ensures new workers receive a copy of this policy to clarity their responsibilities to children and young people, including record keeping, information sharing and reporting obligations.

The Blackwood Osteopathy practice manager will assume the role of the child safety officer to take an active educative role within the organization.

Blackwood Osteopathy will ensure all workers read and understand the Mandatory Notification Information booklet and the resources Keeping our kids safe, developed by SNAICC as part of the induction process and on an annual basis as a ‘refresher’.

Blackwood Osteopathy will verify and maintain a copy of the completed and up to date certificate for each mandatory notifier of… ‘Safe Environment: Through Their Eyes’ training course or Responding to Risk of Harm – Education and Care training.

Blackwood Osteopathy will include child and young people safety as a standing item on meeting agendas as well as regular individual performance appraisals that discuss child safeguarding and case discussion.

Blackwood Osteopathy will ensure there is availability for all workers to access web-based resources about issues concerning child safety and wellbeing.



Definition of harm relates to physical or psychological harm, whether caused by an act or an omission, including harm caused by sexual, physical, mental or emotional abuse or neglect (Section 17 of the Safety Act).

Risk of harm: there exists a direct and serious risk of harm to the individual or another person. The individual may be capable of causing harm to self or other and the individual must be causing harm or very likely to begin causing harm.Mandated notifiers in our organisation are workers who:

provide services to children and young people

hold a management position in the organisation the duties of which include direct responsibility for, or direct supervision of, the provision of those services to children and young people.

Blackwood Osteopathy will ensure all mandated notifiers know that they have a legal obligation to report a reasonable belief that a child or young person has been harmed or is at risk of harm and that they must make the report themselves.

(The individual who identifies the harm or risk of harm is the person who is responsible for making the report to CARL/SAPOL. It is not necessary to report this internally for another staff member to determine if it is a reportable matter.)

All non-mandated notifiers will be encouraged to make voluntary reports about harm or risk of harm involving a child or young person.

Mandated notifiers will ensure that reports regarding the reasonable belief that a child or young person is, or may be, at risk of harm are made to the Child Abuse Report Line on 13 14 78 or if at immediate risk, report to SA Police (SAPOL) on 000. In cases involving Aboriginal children and young people, support is provided by Yaitya Tirramangkotti – an Aboriginal team, via the CARL Number 13 14 78

Further information about making appropriate reports of harm or risk of harm is available from the South Australian Department of Child Protection:


All adult workers (even if not mandated notifiers) have a legal obligation to report child sexual abuse to the police and to protect a child from sexual abuse. Failure to meet these obligations may be considered a criminal offence. (Criminal law consolidation Act 1935 (s.64A & s.65).

In addition, it will be an internal requirement for reports to be documented in writing and added to the patient file, and followed up with the Child Safety Officer if appropriate.

Blackwood Osteopathy will

  • Support the notifier.
  • Be guided by the relevant authority (CARL/SAPOL) about whether an internal investigation is appropriate.
  • Refer the child or young person or their family to other appropriate services, such as counselling/Lifeline, and check on the ongoing welfare of all involved.
  • Continue to provide a service to the child or young person and their family and monitor their circumstances as appropriate.
  • Ensure, in so far as is possible, the ongoing safety of any children and young people after a report has been made to CARL/SAPOL about a child or young person who has been harmed, or is at risk of harm by and practitioner or staff member at our organization.
  • Immediately restrict any staff’s involvement with children if they have been the subject of a report until the incident has been investigated or resolved.
  • Consider dismissal on a case-by-case basis, which may be an immediate consequence of a report being made.



Blackwood Osteopathy is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and friendly space where children and young people feel protected, valued and respected. Practitioners and staff of Blackwood Osteopathy are supported in recognizing and responding to complaints and feedback from children, young people and their families. 

Blackwood Osteopathy will provide information for children, young people and their families on our website and in the reception area (Appendix 3), advising how feedback or complaints may be made. Children and young people, as well as their parent or guardian will also be advised at their initial visit that there are provisions to make a complaint or leave feedback about the services at Blackwood Osteopathy, as well as the details to facilitate this course of action.

This will include a statement advising that our organization will deal with all complaints and feedback in a sensitive, fair and timely manner.

Blackwood Osteopathy will manage the complaint by:

  1. Requesting that we receive the complaint in writing, by phone, email or in person to any staff member, or directly to the child safety officer.
  2. Recording the complaint and the response to the complaint.
  3. Investigate the complaint in a timely manner.
  4. Respond to the complainant with an outcome.


Further information may be sought from the following organizations where the response to a complaint is not considered sufficient, appropriate or adequate.

Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner 8226 8666

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 1300 414 495

Australian Human Rights Commission Online www.humanrights.gov.au

South Australian Equal Opportunities Commission (for complaints relating to discrimination) www.eoc.sa.gov.au.



All Blackwood Osteopathy practitioners and staff will be aware of all identified risk and hazard noted in (Appendix 2) and any others that may arise.

  • Staff will actively work to prevent any injuries.
  • All staff acknowledge that hazard and risk mitigation is a shared responsibility.
  • Any new or changed hazards or risks will be reported to the practice manager immediately.
  • First aid kit and first aider (current senior first aid certificate with CPR) will available while clinic is open and an osteopath or practitioner is on site.



Blackwood Osteopathy will have a printed copy of the Code of Conduct and the Children and Young People policy and procedure available at reception, for children, young people and their families on request.

Blackwood Osteopathy will also have a copy available to practitioners and staff as part of their welcome pack issued at commencement of their tenure.

Blackwood Osteopathy practitioner and staff will use clear age and developmentally appropriate language when talking with children and young people at all times. They will also actively allow and offer time for questions and concerns.



Blackwood Osteopathy will ensure all child safe related policies and procedures are up to date on the website, accessible in reception and new practitioners and staff at their induction.



Blackwood Osteopathy will review the policy every 5 years.


  • New or added risks are identified for children or young people, which may require a change in the policy or procedures.
  • Where a critical incident where a child or young person has experienced harm through involvement at Blackwood Osteopathy.
  • Where concerns are raised by anyone involved at Blackwood Osteopathy about child safety or welfare at the clinic.
  • Awareness or compliance to the child safe policy and/or procedures is low.
  • Legislative changes/requirements


Blackwood Osteopathy will lodge a new child safe environments compliance statement with the Department of Human Services each time we review and update our policy.

This policy was approved January 2024                                 

This policy is next scheduled for review January 2029





Blackwood Osteopathy’s code of conduct applies to all workers as well as children, young people and families.

Access to this code will be provided at staff induction, and in hard copy kept in at reception.

A breach of the code can be reported in writing, via phone on 08 8278 8838 or to any worker, or to the child safety officer directly, who will record, manage and start the breach process as outlined below.

Any worker who breaches the Code of Conduct will face disciplinary action and depending on severity of the breach, the worker may have their employment terminated.

All workers at Blackwood Osteopathy will:

  • Adhere to the Blackwood Osteopathy child safe policy at all times and will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and protection of children and young people
  • Treat everyone equitably, honestly and with respect, including those of different race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes and religious beliefs
  • Strive to be a positive role model to children and young people in all conduct and via all interactions
  • Establish clear boundaries and appropriate behaviour with all children and young people
  • Listen and respond appropriately to the views and concerns of children and young people
  • Be alert and vigilant to any bullying behaviour and responding promptly and appropriately
  • Ensure another adult is always present or in sight when conducting one on one consulting, coaching, instruction or any other activity
  • Be alert to children and young people who have been harmed, or may be at risk of harm and reporting this promptly to the Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78)
  • Respond quickly, fairly and transparently to any complaints made by a child, young person or their parent or guardian
  • Encourage children and young people to ‘have a say’ on issues that are important to them

Additionally, workers at Blackwood Osteopathy must:

  • Ensure clear age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate explanations are provided to the child or young person about the physical space that they are in (i.e., waiting room, treatment rooms and shared spaces) and most importantly during the osteopathic consultation, while also allowing adequate time for questions and concerns prior to the examination.
  • Actively and purposefully seek feedback and permission to carry out treatment, techniques and assessment – from the child, young person and parent/guardian.
  • Acknowledge that children & young people are significantly different to adults as they are physically smaller, more fragile, with incomplete growth plates and they have an immature neuro-musculoskeletal system. They may not have the mental maturity to understand complex medical jargon and diagnosis.
    • The treating osteopath will examine, diagnose and treat children & young people with due care and diligence and skill, appreciating these differences which may change the nature of treatment, technique selection and management.
    • The treating osteopath will cease treatment when there is clear resistance or distress or a lack of informed consent.
    • Children or young people under the age of 18 will have a guardian/parent present during the consultation and treatment at all times, recognizing children and young people generally have greater autonomy from 16 to 18 years of age.
    • If the child or young person is aged between 16-18 years of age, they may be treated without a guardian present provided they have consent from their parent/guardian (written/verbal) with no disrobing of clothes, even into a gown, or after-hours appointments.
    • Not provide ‘adjustment’ (MWI/HVLA) procedures to children under 8 years of age.
  • Endeavor to provide a physically and socially safe environment, for children and young people, that is free of any identifiable hazards. Particularly ensuring children to not crawl or play under the treatment tables.
  • Not develop any ‘special’ relationships with children or young people outside of the professional relationship, and must not take part in any unnecessary physical contact or use of any techniques that may involve sexually sensitive areas.
  • Not enter the toilet area with children or young people.
  • Inform children and young people of their rights including their right to feel safe, respected, protected and valued, as well as a right to be listened to.
  • Encourage children and young people to “have a say” on issues that impact their care.
  • Ensure that children, young people and their families know their rights and how to access the complaints procedures available to them.
  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality and privacy.
  • Record feedback, including complaints in the child protection folder and report and discuss any matters with the child safety officer.
  • Attend meetings as required, particularly to discuss, retrain and upskill in regard to children and young people’s rights.


Potential Hazard Who is at Risk Potential Injury Minimize Risk By Further Action Required Risk Rating
Environmental Risks
Slips, Trips & Falls Children & young people Minor Keeping access areas clear, remove objects from walkways, cover electrical cords, wipe up spills Staff to check prior to the start of & during the day to ensure all areas clear of hazards Low
Toys Children & young people Minor Regularly inspect & clean toys Not for general use: only in treatment rooms. Supervise children/young people using toys Low
Treatment Risks
Adverse treatment outcomes Children & young people Mild-Serious Treating osteopaths must be registered with APHRA as Osteopaths, maintain appropriate indemnity insurance. Keep within the osteopathic scope of practice, follow Blackwood Osteopathy’s code of conduct in regard to children & young people Ongoing education about treatment of children & young people Low
Physical contact    
  • Any physical contact must be appropriate to the delivery of services being provided
  • Where physical contact is required, this is undertaken in a safe way by explaining why contact is required and what will happen, and asking the child/young person for their permission (or their family if this is more appropriate) before proceeding
  • Unnecessary physical contact is not allowed

First aid kit and first aider (current senior first aid certificate with CPR) will available while clinic is open and an osteopath is on site.


Information for Children and Young People Attending
Blackwood Osteopathy

At Blackwood Osteopathy…

We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for children & young people who attend our clinic.

We will ensure that children & young people are valued, respected & encouraged to participate in their care where practical. The safety & protection of children & young people is always our first priority.

We are committed to diversity & will ensure all children & young people are valued & respected, regardless of their age, ethnicity, gender, gender identify, sexual orientation, social class, physical abilities, social economic or cultural background & equity is upheld.

Blackwood Osteopathy will not tolerate bullying or harassment.

Our practitioners & staff will be able to acknowledge, ask for & listen to feedback from children & young people using age & developmentally appropriate language.

We have a designated child safety officer (name available at reception), who is available to listen to, mediate & respond to your feedback and complaints.

We will deal with all complaints & feedback promptly, sensitively & fairly.

If you would like to make a comment, leave feedback or make a complaint, please tell any practitioner or staff member directly, let us know:

Child Safety Officer:

Unit 3/26 Coromandel Parade

Blackwood 5051

Phone: 08 8278 8838

Email: Blackwoodosteopathy@gmail.com

We will manage the feedback or complaint by:

  1. Listening to your concerns
  2. Recording the complaint
  3. Investigate the complaint in a timely manner

Respond to the child, young person or family with an outcome.

Blackwood Osteopathy’s Children and Young People’s policy, code of conduct and risk assessment is available upon request from reception and also found on our website.


Blackwood Osteopathy’s policy complies with the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 and the National Principles for Child Safe Organizations.



Unit 3/26 Coromandel Parade, Blackwood 5051
Phone: 08 8278 8838
Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.30pm Saturday 9.00am to 2.00pm