Dr Nikole Grbin
B.Sci.(Clin.Sci), M.H.Sci(Osteo), Member Osteopathy Australia
Dr Nikole Grbin is an osteopath with many years of clinical experience working in both Melbourne and Adelaide. Nikole is adept in a wide range of osteopathic techniques. She is passionate about helping manage injuries and speed the healing process and will give advice and information on how to optimise recovery.
Nikole is particularly interested in the provision of treatment to pregnant women and children. As a result, she has undertaken further education relating to pre and postnatal care of mothers and babies. Prior to this, Nikole was also involved in the tertiary sector, as a clinical supervisor who also delivered lectures and tutorials to osteopathic students at Victoria University, Melbourne. Nikole is involved in clinical education at Endeavour College of natural health.
Like most osteopaths, Nikole incorporates a variety of techniques during treatment, from standard soft tissue work to joint mobilisation and even gentle ligamentous work. She enjoys the challenge of helping patients with long-term injuries make real progress towards better health.
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